Looking to hire but budget is a concern? Our new job board is a cost-effective solution for the legal community. Enhance your search by choosing our upgraded job posting. For a $500 (LBA members receive a $50 discount) investment, your ad will be posted on our job board, highlighted in our weekly e-brief and Bar Briefs (LBA's monthly online publication). All inquires will be sent directly to your email.
*15% discount off for non-profit organizations. Please reach out to LBA Job Board for more information.
Looking to hire but budget is a concern? Our new job board is a cost-effective solution for the legal community. Post a job for 60 days for just $450 (LBA members receive a $50 discount) and receive applications directly to your email.
*15% discount off for non-profit organizations. Please reach out to LBA Job Board for more information.
Looking to hire but budget is a concern? Our new job board is a cost-effective solution for the legal community. Enhance your search by choosing our upgraded job posting. For a $350 (LBA members receive a $50 discount) investment, your ad will be posted on our job board, highlighted in our weekly e-brief and Bar Briefs (LBA's monthly online publication). All inquires will be sent directly to your email.
*15% discount off for non-profit organizations. Please reach out to LBA Job Board for more information.
Looking to hire but budget is a concern? Our new job board is a cost-effective solution for the legal community. Post a job for 30 days for just $300 (LBA members receive a $50 discount) and receive applications directly to your email.
*15% discount off for non-profit organizations. Please reach out to LBA Job Board for more information.
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