Your $45 charitable donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law and supports law-related projects by local non-profits. As an LBF supporter, you will,
Benefits of Sustaining Members include:
Unrestricted gifts to the Foundation support the charitable work of the Foundation and allow the board of trustees to make strategic investments in community needs through its annual grant process or through other special initiatives. The Foundation welcomes gifts from individuals, corporations, law firms, and others to advance its mission.
You can be part of LBA history by making an individual contribution to the Bar Center renovation project. Below are our suggested giving levels, or you can fill in a contribution amount of your choice. You can also elect to make your donation over time, simply contact Kristen Miller to find out how.
Donor Levels:
$250 Contributing Colleague
$500 Main St. Mainiac
$1,250 Anniversary Advocate (in honor of the LBA's upcoming 125th Anniversary)
$2,500 Bar Booster
$5,000 Center Supporter
$10,000 Historic Hero
Donors can pay their gift all at once or stretched over a term of three years. Payments are accepted by check, ACH or credit card. All donations are tax-deductible.
The LBA is turning 125!
Want to help celebrate our 125th birthday? Make a $125 donation today.
The raffle will benefit the Louisville Bar Foundation which funds projects providing legal service to the poor, law-related public education, improvement of the judiciary and legal profession and citizen access to the justice system.
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